Dr. Deb Ayres
Deb Ayres, EdD
Senior Vice President, Human Resourcesdayres@intinent.com
(636) 949-4405Dr. Deb Ayres has served in her role since 2013. Her responsibilities include leadership and oversight of HR, benefits, and payroll functions for approximately 2,500 full and part time employees. Prior to leading HR functions for the university, Dr. Ayres曾在澳门威尼斯人平台官网教育与人类服务学院担任教育领导部门的副教授和系主任. 她主要与希望成为学校管理者和校长的研究生一起工作. Her areas of expertise include human resources management, employee development and evaluation, and leadership. Prior to joining the faculty at Lindenwood, Dr. 艾尔斯在柯克伍德学区担任人力资源助理总监长达18年.
Dr. Heather Black
Heather Black
Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs
Jason Coomer
Jason Coomer
Vice President, Intercollegiate Athletics杰森在南伊利诺伊大学爱德华兹维尔分校待了14年后来到澳门威尼斯人平台官网, including the last six years as the Deputy Athletic Director. 在他最近的职位之前,他从2012年到2016年担任高级副体育总监. In addition to his administrative duties, Jason was the head coach of the tennis program from 2010-16. Jason’s passion for athletics began as a student-athlete, extended as a coach, and continues through his tenure in administration.
Orrie Covert
Orrie Covert
Vice President, Advancement and Community Engagementocovert@intinent.com
(636) 949-4939Orrie Covert在高等教育领域拥有大约20年的经验, 他们中的大多数人都担任过高级领导职务. He has held positions at Syracuse University, Northwest Missouri State, the University of Florida at Gainesville, the University of Missouri, and most recently the University of Texas at Tyler, 他在那里做了两年的晋升副总裁. 他参与了许多成功的筹款活动, 包括密苏里大学和佛罗里达大学数十亿美元的资金活动, respectively, and realized the largest cash gift, $2.1 million, in the history of Northwest Missouri State. As vice president for advancement and community engagement, 他负责管理大学的发展和校友职能.
Mark Falkowski
Mark Falkowski, JD
General Counselmfalkowski@intinent.com
(636) 949-4916马克·法尔科夫斯基作为高等教育律师为澳门威尼斯人平台官网带来了丰富的经验, 在此之前,他曾作为一家大型全国性律师事务所的高等教育业务小组成员在私人执业,并担任内部和总法律顾问. 他在州和联邦法院以及各种行政机构诉讼中成功地代表了许多学院和大学, including with the United States Department of Education. 他的法律经验支持大学运营的各个领域,并帮助确保遵守适用于大学运营的州和联邦法律法规,包括ACA, ADA/Section 504, the Clery Act, COBRA, ERISA, FERPA, FLSA, FMLA, HIPAA, Title IV, Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX. 他就重要的法律事务向大学各部门提供日常法律建议,并负责管理外部律师.
John Kaufhold
John Kaufhold
Vice President, Fiscal Affairs / Chief Financial OfficerJohn Kaufhold, “JK”, joins Lindenwood with previous experience as Senior Director, Business Operations at Yale University. He oversaw facilities operations, 房地产/商业地产以及与纽黑文市的合作关系, 以及管理耶鲁研究生宿舍的行政办公室 , parking, transit, and more. Kaufhold还拥有Barnes Group, Inc .的行业领导经验. as a strategic business unit controller. Kaufhold是一名注册会计师,持有密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校的会计学学士学位和东密歇根大学的工商管理硕士学位.
Dr. Dan Kirk
Dr. Dan Kirk
Interim Provost/Vice President, Academic Affairsdkirk@intinent.com
(636) 949-4618Before joining Lindenwood, Dr. 柯克是穆罕默德·本·扎耶德人工智能大学的学术发展主任, 曾任美国明尼苏达州威诺纳州立大学教育学院院长和教育学教授. Earlier in his career, Dr. 柯克是阿布扎比酋长国高等教育学院的高级教员, 在那里,他领导领导和教育政策部门,并担任教育学副教授. Dr. 柯克是海湾比较教育协会的创始主席,目前在海湾地区和美国的几个编辑和顾问委员会任职. 柯克已委托各种教育机构和政府机构进行定制咨询服务, with a particular focus on developing educational institutions, policies, 以及海湾国家和澳门威尼斯人平台官网工作者培训的实践. Dr. Kirk holds a PhD from the University of Georgia, USA, and a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree, a Master of Arts degree, 和研究生教育证书(具有合格教师资格的PGCE), all from the University of Sunderland, UK.
Dr. Diane Moore
Diane Moore, EdD
Senior Vice President, Operationsdmoore@intinent.com
(636) 949-4901Dr. Diane Moore,自2017年9月起担任运营高级副总裁. Dr. 摩尔监督所有校园运营,包括采购流程的开发和实施, oversight of Public Safety, Facilities, Housekeeping and Grounds Departments in addition to mailroom, vending and food services. 在担任现职之前,她曾担任主管设施的助理副总裁. Dr. Moore在教育和政府机构的财务和设施管理方面拥有20多年的专业经验. 她是韦伯斯特格罗夫斯学区的助理总监和首席运营官,也是西南浸会大学和澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的兼职讲师. She was an account executive at SMART, Inc., 她为学区和医院提供咨询,以设计和实施医疗保健计划. While at SMART, INC., Dr. 摩尔为学区开展了财政研究和收入预测,以实施州和联邦医疗补助计划. In addition to those roles, 摩尔曾在密苏里州中小学教育部担任废除种族隔离服务主任, later, assistant to the commissioner of education. 她也是密苏里州税务局的立法分析师.
Rob Westervelt
Rob Westervelt
Vice President, Strategy and InnovationRob是斯坦福大学认证的创新者,在高性能领导和战略变革方面拥有专业知识. 他的领导经验包括担任首席战略官, chief innovation officer, and executive vice president. Over his 22-year career in higher education, Rob has led a wide range of departments including strategy, innovation, marketing, data analytics, IT, human resources, PR, fundraising, enrollment, admissions, financial aid, institutional research and legal affairs. He has successfully rebranded organizations, led turnarounds, and generated more than $65 million in net revenues. Rob的使命是让领导者能够更快地为他们的组织和他们所服务的人创造更光明的未来.